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Close-up Insect

behind the lens badge

Taken literally on my front porch.

Taken literally on my front porch.
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Turtlelady68 rueysung mcampi Lubruwer helenehages
Magnificent Capture
Confalonieri Steve-n-Ning pdforgra
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jdmarks64 billdoll
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Majestic Species Photo ContestTop 10 rank
Majestic Species Photo ContestTop 10 rank week 1
suemasterson November 13, 2019
Amazing! ❤
Thank you so much !!
mcampi Platinum
mcampi June 20, 2022
Super sharp great shot.
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Behind The Lens


I was actually on my way out my front door to go out and just see what I could find that day for taking pictures. I had my camera in hand and had just stepped out the door to get into the car and I looked to my left and saw this guy on my porch. So, I got as close to him as I could get without scaring him away, and started snapping away !!


It was some where between 10:00 and 11:00 am.


I wish the sun had been shinning a little more bright that day, but I think it was just enough to really bring out this little fellows neat coloring.


I shot this photo hand held. I was using a Nikon S570.


I like to shoot Dragonflies. Each one have a unique coloring to them. I really loved the coloring that this particular one had. I thought he really stood out from all the other ones I have taken pictures of because of his coloring. I was in aw with his coloring and the fact that he didn't seem to be afraid of me. I was able to get real close to him and he never flue away. He was still on my porch when I got in my car to leave.


All I had to do was just crop this photo a little to take out some back ground noise that would have cluttered the photograph.

In my camera bag

I normally choose which ever camera I decide I am going to shoot with that day and what lenses. I always carry a camera cleaning kit, along with a first aid kit. I also carry extra batteries, memory cards, maps and I also carry something to snack on and bottled water. I usually keep extra clothes and socks in the car along with my tripod incase I need them. Anyone who hikes knows the importance of having extra socks once your feet gets wet !!


If there is one thing I can tell any photographer it would be patients. Patients is the one thing you will need first and foremost way before you even pick your camera up. Especially if you are trying to do wildlife photography. You never know what an animal may or may not do, and a lot of the time you have to have the patients to wait out certain situations. depending on what I am trying to shoot, I usually get to where I am going to be shooting certain wildlife and get set up and let them get use to my presence. After a few minutes the animal starts acting normal around me and I'm able to get my shots because the animal is at ease with me being there. Don't rush the animals by trying to get too close and too soon, they will bolt and leave your presence every time. Wait the situation out and you will come away with some amazing shots. Please stay at least 50 yards away from all wildlife, just to reassure your safety. Like I said just be patient and don't rush the animals and you will be able to get some pretty cool shots. I had to give this little guy a moment then I was able to get this shot and several others that turned out quit well also.

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