We are happy to share the story behind the creative bokeh shot by Henrik_Spranz. "Photographing landscapes is a passion which I will follow for a long time. The more the restlessness inside myself is growing the more I need these moments in nature where the time seems to be standing still."

1. I took this photo at a very nice place on a hill near Vienna - with a wonderful view on the city with the sun rising above it.

2. I go there before sunrise for getting sunrise shots as well, but this photo was shot like an hour after sunrise.

3. After sunrise the light get's brighter and harder, but that's just right to get the flares and reflections of all the dew drops in the grass if you shoot against the sun. That early in the morning you can still manage to get a suitable exposure.

4. I used a Canon 5d Mk II, Meyer Görlitz Primotar 135/3.5 mounted with an M42 adapter, Berlebach mini tripod, Sirui ball head.

5. I always wanted to do some nice bubble bokeh photos with the well known Primotar lens which is very similar to the famous Trioplan. It turns reflection flares into bubbles. So I was looking for the correct light situation, a day with masses of dew drops in the grass and looked for a nice Pulsatilla (small pasque flower) which I like that much.

6. Postprocessing. There's not a lot to day if the conditions are right und you control your results on the set. There's almost no stamping, but some correction of tonal contrast and bringing out the details of the flower. I rarely need more than 5 to 10 minutes for a picture.

7. You should know the technique...Hey! I try to do artistic photos and I could tend to ignore technical knowledge, but I need it to get the restult I have in my mind. Knowledge in photography gives you the ability to know when to shoot where and perhaps to don't shoot at all if conditions aren't wort it, but that definetely shouldn't keep you from having fun and to experiment. Here I needed to use the an open aperture to get the 'bubbles' big. It's just a simple forumla: if you want big flares in the bokeh use an open aperture and a long lens.

What do I carry in my camera bag:

Canon 5d Mk II Canon 7D Canon 16-35/4 L IS Canon 50/1.4 Canon 70-200/4 L IS Canon 85/1.8 Sigma 120-300/2.8 OS Tamron 150-600 Tripod ND Filters, gradient filters and polarization filter. Sometimes some old manual lenses like the Primotar 135/3.5, Asahi Pentax 200/3.5 or others.

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