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Beach Solitude

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Behind The Lens


I took this photo at Hilton Head, SC. My two daughters (and two granddaughters) and I have begun an annual pilgrimage to the beach each summer for the last few years. This was maybe our second trek, but the first time with my oldest daughter along. She had been overseas in Europe teaching.


This was early enough in the morning that I remember it took a while for the condensation to clear from my lens after having come out onto the beach from the motel.


Purely natural lighting, with just a touch of playing with the exposure.


This was shot, handheld, with a Canon PowerShot SX50 HS. Nothing fancy, but a very nice little camera. Especially fun to begin learning the mysteries and majesties of photography.


I try to catch glimpses with my eye of what is in my heart. Plus, I shoot, and I shoot, and I shoot. Good thing it's the digital age. My daughter was going through a difficult time after knee surgery, and it was simply good to have her with us. I think this photo depicts her emotional state. And actually, it's tough hobbling around at the beach in the sand.


Very little post processing was done. I lightened the exposure a bit. Truly, though still an amateur, I was just learning to handle my Sx 500.

In my camera bag

Now, I mainly use my Canon EOS 60D camera. I have two lens I use the most...the 50 mm, and the 18-55 lens. They are always with me. In addition, I usually carry my 55-250 lens. Just in case. I take more shots of my granddaughter than anything else presently. That's because I am either at work or with her. And now she has a brand new baby sister! Oh, yeah...many more baby photos to come. Catching images of my granddaughter(s) with my terrific camera is so enjoyable. And sharing them, LOL, I probably drive everyone crazy. But catching these same images in my heart is simply priceless.


I try for the shot I see in my mind. But I take quite a few shots in addition. Seems like sometimes what I have i my mind isn't always the exact image I was truly trying for. But with a number of shots I can compare and say, Oh, yes, THAT is what I wanted to express. Even tiny changes, physically, can make a huge difference to the atmosphere and emotion of the shot. An expert I may not be, but I hope that my love and depth of feeling always shines through my photos. Photography is such a fast mode of expression. Sometimes capturing the impact of what you see is pure luck regardless of how technical you may get, or how much expensive equipment you have. So my advice is to shoot what you see with your heart and take many shots. I may be more of an "accidental" photographer, than a professional photographer, but I surely do love my "accidents".

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