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Top Shot Award 22
Peer Award
Outstanding Creativity
Argentiere mcampi Ideameus Bassariscus 2001vermont tamaracartwright-loebl EJGJRobyn +15
Absolute Masterpiece
Duskban pknight00 Inmar
Top Choice
traceyjones_6524 amyallen
Superior Skill
JenniferWhitePhotography diegoscaglione
robinwhisperer OBRonTyan
All Star
Exceptional Contrast
Superb Composition
Magnificent Capture


jeffcarroll_0255 OBRonTyan toddbaxter Argentiere LindieK

Top Ranks

Friendly Pets Photo ContestTop 10 rank
Friendly Pets Photo ContestTop 10 rank week 3
Friendly Pets Photo ContestTop 10 rank week 2
Friendly Pets Photo ContestTop 10 rank week 1


ArtGirl July 31, 2012
Fantastic! Love, Love, Love it!
desertpagan July 31, 2012
A wicked cool image~!
IsPassionTheAnswer August 02, 2012
This cracks me up! Love itt!!:)
Willsy August 03, 2012
Thanks everyone for your comments, I'm glad you all enjoy it :D
jenbmama September 01, 2012
favorite! I will need to return to this one when I need to laugh out loud!
Willsy September 01, 2012
Hahaha! Glad to hear it gets a few grins! makes me smile just hearing you say that! Thank you!
kayacloud September 07, 2012
cracks me up!!!
Latitude4236David Ultimate
Latitude4236David September 08, 2012
A riot.....A+ for creativity.
Augle2112 October 23, 2012
Very Well Done Great Image I'V Voted/Fave/Award Hope you Stop By And Vote for Me.
mstoltz1022 Ultimate
mstoltz1022 January 08, 2013 this like every dogs dream?
mcm13 January 13, 2013
LinBrennan March 01, 2013
Fantastic! Just love it.
Inmar March 22, 2013
ambamjean March 22, 2013
This made my day!!! OMG I can't stop laughing!!
steveclayton May 06, 2013
Love this shot made me smile!
CLee-Photography May 06, 2013
Ah, Ha, Ha!!!! :D
pknight00 August 27, 2013
Wonderful! Besides the image being so fun and hilarious, you added the afro wig! Terrific sense of humor.
Willsy August 28, 2013
Hahaha! Yea I love my afro wig! Dunno if the photo would have been the same without it :) Thank you very much! I really appreciate your kind words they mean a lot :) Cheers! Mark
kostasexarhos September 27, 2013
wow!!! voted :)
melzonejohnson February 19, 2022
So the pedal was adjusted to so his feet could reach the pedal love it great imagination the role reversal cool
See all

Behind The Lens


I took this photo at the end of a long unused country road in Springvale, Central Otago in New Zealand. Few if any cars ever travel this road because it basically goes to nowhere.


This shoot actually spanned most of an afternoon taking about 3-4 hours to complete, the actual chosen shot was taken around 3pm in the afternoon.


There was nothing special to mention about the lighting my sole priority was to turn the crazy idea in my head into a comical photo parody for people to enjoy, I was just pleased it was a fine day.


Hmmm, it's hard to know where to start with this shot because I used almost everything in my photographic arsenal going as far as flipping what some would call "conventional use" on its head with some equipment . I actually built a rig attached to my car using my own tripod, some duct tap and a rope! It's hard to describe so I took progress photos as I built it. (**Note to Viewbug; you are welcome to these photo if you wish to publish this article**) My tripod hung horizontally off the left hand side of my car allowing my camera to dangle steadily and securely about 2.5 meters out over the road whilst driving. The camera was mounted to face back toward the car and a wide angle lens adapter was used to capture as much of the scene as possible and achieve the funky wide bend look. I triggered the shutter using a small infrared remote in my hand and I used a bounce flash with diffuser to light the shaded side of the car because there was a lot of back light.


I actually took this photo as a creative piece for a photography competition; it didn't win but I'm more than happy with the result because the competition gave me enough inspiration and drive to produce such a wacky photo that now hangs on my wall at home and the walls of a few local businesses as a much talked about favorite. My wife Caz helped me with the shoot by driving the car as I hung from the rear window with my tongue out so I owe a lot to her for making this possible, but the real star of the show was our Samoyed dog Archie. Archie slouched in the drivers seat, paws on the staring wheel and eyes on the road like a seasoned pro; only difference being a compulsive drooling disorder.


I knew from the get go that this photo was never going to be possible without the help of post-processing but this doesn't bother me because it's suppose to be a fictional piece after all. This photo was broken up into 4 individual components for easier shooting; the background mountains and sky, the car, the dog and lastly myself. I chose to shoot each component separately so I could layer them in post production and use them to best effect; because the camera perspective never changed layering wasn't a problem, this is a similar process to that used in movie special effects. The reason I chose to do it this way was because there were too many individual factors that could go wrong or prove difficult to achieve in harmony with everything else. For example getting the dog to pose correctly was a feat in itself, this had to be done whilst parked and my wife propped Archie up through the drivers seat window. Capturing a steady and aesthetic background shot whilst moving was also a challenge, either too much or too little motion blur, not enough road in the shot or no mountains, something was always off so it took many restarts. These were just some of the many problematic factors I faced hence why they needed to be shot individually, as a result of shooting like this I ended up with about 120 photos to produce the final composite with, sorting through them was not fun. Once the best shots were selected post processing basically consisted of cropping each component on to its own layer and building the image up from the background, I also had to erase my wife and parts of my tripod which were visible in the shot. Lastly I had replaced my left hand with a another copy of my hand that wasn't holding the infrared remote. After polishing the layers I tweaked the colors and contrasts a little and called it done.

In my camera bag

I normally pack my bag according to my needs on the day but when I take everything my bag will contain my Canon EOS 550D and 18-135mm IS zoom lens, a bounce flash for those dimly lit areas, a remote shutter trigger for when I need the steadiest of shots, my very handy B-Grip belt, my tripod when/if I need it, a variable ND Grad filter and UV filter, lens cleaning kit, two spare batteries and a spare SD Card.


This is not a shoot I'd do often, I wouldn't rule out doing another because the result was very rewarding but it required a little too much work. For anyone looking to try something similar I'd certainly suggest having a plan before you start, know exactly what you want the finished image to look like in your head first and think about the possible problem factors and how to tackle them to avoid making things up as you go. Obviously the more you can achieve through the lens the better but take note that shoots like this are not one shot wonders so expect to be spending a bit of time in front of your computer screen too.

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