Here at ViewBug we like showcasing award winning images that have special stories and meanings behind them. Here is something we can learn from OrvilleTenosix about the techniques and story behind this awarded photo.

OrvilleTenosix, where did you take this photo?

This shot was taken at an unnamed black sand beach near Port Royal, Jamaica. I always do a lot of location scouting, just stopping randomly at any point if I think I see something worth investigating.

What time of day?

It was Summer so it was hot and humid at the time we had arrived. This shot was taken about 4pm after waiting for the sun to down a bit.

Anything worth sharing about lighting?

One portable flash was used along with the Sun as key light. I just wanted to avoid blowing out the sky but keep the model visible with enough so the pocket

What equipment did you use for this specific shot?

On this shoot I used Canon 7D Mark ii, Canon 70-200mm at ISO100 / f4.0 / 1/250 sync speed. One Godox TT600 flash in a 24x24 Godox soft box with a Impact light stand.

What inspired you to take this photo?

This image was inspired by the Independence holiday of Jamaica. I wanted to keep it simple but in keeping with the colors of our national flag which is Black, Gold and Green. This image along with others from the shoot was also published in the Jamaica Observer (one of the leading newspaper) in time for the holiday celebration.

Did you do any post-processing? If yes, tell us about it!

I did a little editing for small blemishes and tones adjustment and added vibrance and a little color grading to counteract the blue hue of the day.

What equipment do you normally have in your bag?

I pack my Canon 7D Mark ii for street, fashion or portrait shoot but I will carry my Canon 5D Mark ii for other occasion like wedding photography. I will pack my Canon 24-70mm and 70-200mm both f/2.8 for portrait, Tonika 16-28mm f2.8 for wide and landscape with 2 Godox TT600 with a soft box and light stand and my tripod.

Any advice for others trying to capture something similar?

I consider myself a growing photographer as who is still as passionate about photography as the day I started while I learn to manage changes in light and conditions around me. I had planned this shoot with as much details as I could but you can never count for weather or other small conditions that can affect your or the model mood and vibe, that part you just go with the flow of the day.

Sometimes You can envision a shot before you even put your eye to the camera because you know what you want but never be so rigid in your mind that you cannot see more possibilities than what you have planned for.

Discover OrvilleTenosix's photographic style and techniques.