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Isola Delle Femmine, Sicilia

Isola Delle Femmine, Sicilia
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Behind The Lens


This photo was taken in the village of Isola Delle Femine in northern Sicily from one point along the roadside. The road curves around the rocky coast line, town after town, with pockets of people swimming everywhere.


Between 1pm-2pm on a very hot summers day! I wanted to try and use the brightness to my advantage.


Let it be!


Trusty iPhone 8 and my hands and eyes. (useful secondary equipment)


I wanted to capture this feeling that a lot of coastal Sicily gives you of the barrenness of the topography meeting the sea; a mountainous, rocky, treeless, sun-burnt land that drops directly into the blue, salty mediterranean. And all the people swimming and lounging on the waters edge adds to this sense of 'how can this even be here'? For them it's just another day. For anyone else not from there, It's a great juxtaposition against their environment. I wanted to try and make people feel that reality in the photo as much as I could.


Yes! using VSCO, I knocked back a bit of the contrast, then tried to bring out white and yellow and kill some blue, to capture more of a barren, baked feeling.

In my camera bag

Only my iPhone 8. I'm obsessed with trying to get the most out of the simplest of equipment. I feel many smart phone cameras are at the point where they can capture so much of what we want in a photograph. Of course there are technical limitations, but often the best photos don't only or always rely on technical brilliance to make us feel the things we do when we see them. Implied narrative, subject, juxtapositions or overall composition and good editing often lead us to think 'yes, i like that' or 'i FEEL that'. Or that's just for me anyway.


Always try and imagine what you want someone to feel from the photo. From the outset of taking the shot, all the way through to editing. Especially in shots like this which could easily be less interesting and engaging without the right framing and post processing. For editing, I often try to play with the levels of just one or two elements of the composition in line with what i want the photo to make people feel; the thing I would've thought about at the start when taking the picture anyway! And even more importantly, It doesn't matter if you're not sure, or you can't imagine the final photo in its fully fledged form in these moments. You just have to try, and you'll eventually start hitting somewhere in the ball park and get closer and closer with more practice.

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