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Red Breasted Blackbird

The red-breasted blackbird is a passerine bird. It is named red-breasted blackbird but is not closely related to the red-winged blackbird group. It is resident ...
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The red-breasted blackbird is a passerine bird. It is named red-breasted blackbird but is not closely related to the red-winged blackbird group. It is resident from south-western Costa Rica, Colombia, south to north-eastern Peru and central Brazil. It is a bird associated with open country, including moist grasslands, pasture and cultivation, preferably with the odd bush or fence post for males to use as a songpost. In display the male flies up to 10 m. in the air, then parachutes down on folded wings whilst singing a wheezing song. The call is a short tsilp
It builds a deep grass-lined open cup nest on the ground amongst tall grasses, with several nests often close together. The normal clutch is two to four reddish brown-blotched cream eggs.
It is a small bird 19 cm . long and weighing 40–48 g. Males are larger than females. The male has mainly black plumage, apart from a bright red throat, belly and wing epaulets. This striking "redcoat" plumage gives rise to the specific name.
The female has buff edged dark brown upperpart feathers, buff underparts with a reddish tinge, and pale streaks through the crown and eye.
The bird feeds mainly on insects and some seeds, including rice, and forages on the ground
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1 Comment |
Eugeniogarrido March 04, 2019
Buena capatura. Me da la impresión de que no editas las imágenes o que las disparas directamente en JPEG y no en RAW. En esta image, si oscureces un poco el fondo o lo desenfocas, que quedaría un bokeh. Luego tienes unos elementos fantásticos para darle relieve: el tronco y , sobre todo el pájaro. Si remiras la foto, el foco está en el tronco y no en el pájaro. Pero eso lo puedes arreglar con ua buena edición.
Joviaal PRO
Joviaal March 05, 2019
You are right in all case, I shoot directly in JPEG and not in RAW, and I am bad in post editiing. I saw that the focus is mainly on the branch and not the bird, but I was not able to correct that. :-(
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