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Path of faith

Sveti Ioan Letni

Or what do you do when you go to an amazing place and weather is dull and uninteresting...

The Place:
Sveti Ioa...
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Sveti Ioan Letni

Or what do you do when you go to an amazing place and weather is dull and uninteresting...

The Place:
Sveti Ioan Letni is medieval Bulgarian Church, which is located high on a cliff overlooking Pchelina dam, Radomir municipality (which means, quite close to Sofia). This place is really amazing (if, of course, you are lucky enough to get some good weather).
Once the church was a temple to Pchelintsi village, but when they made the dam (to collect the effluents from Steel factories in Pernik) the village sank beneath the water, and the church remained alone on the cliff above the dam.
It's not a working place of worship (no priest there etc.), but people from the nearby village care to always store some candles and if you want, you can light one. When I got there, they were just whitewashing it :)

How to get there - a few tips:
The road to the church is bad, so if you do not have a high car, just don't try - the road has carved tracks (in the mud). You can go and walk next to it, but the walk to it isn't half an hour (at least an hour and a half, if you're not an athlete). The Church is locked up around 5 PM (in the summer), so if you want to light a candle, you have to be there earlier. ATTENTION - the church door is very low, so watch your head (not to bang it like I did).

This place is beautiful, really, but still, a wide-angle lens you will not be out of place, same goes for sturdy, reliable shoes. In the afternoon, especially in the summer, the sun is right across from you, so decide what you need.

When I edited this image, my first association was with this song:
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