Thank you to all the photographers that shared their photos that have not been post-produced or edited in the Unedited Photo Contest with chances to win a Sony Alpha a3000 Digital Camera and more!

A special thanks to friend and professional photographer Steve Squall for his collaboration as a guest judge in this photo contest. Steve Squall is a Louisville, KY based fashion, commercial and editorial photographer. He first developed an interest in photography while working on his Graphic Design degree during college. He continued to hone his skills with a camera after graduating and during a short stint in the graphic design industry before deciding to change the direction of his career to focus solely on photography. Continuing to work mostly in the Louisville area, Steve has displayed work at a myriad of galleries, is a regular contributor to a number of local and regional publications, and has published work both nationally and internationally.

"Gentoo " by ingeseverinsen

"Stormy Beach" by Dilleo22

"Dolomiti landscape" by kimschou

"Still Standing" by (A)Zzyzx

"Bubble Bath" by lmr337

"The Jet" by tahirabbasawan

"Sit With Me" by bitterer

"Rolling Hills of New Zealand" by sethcarper

"Training Burn" by murpjo

"The Sun Tree" by Hannahsdreamz

"will you listen to me - quiscalus mexicanus (11 of 17)" by annetteflottwell

"Misty Sunrise" by carlosderesende

"Foggy Sunrise" by KaviYas

"Serenity" by rosspichler

"Cowgirl" by (A)emmab_08

"Storm is Coming" by srdjanvujmilovic

"Keep Calm" by (A)kunriyanto

"Cross Fox Kit" by bkcrossman

"352A6674" by (A)dandron

"misty morning" by Mberpony

"Dinner Time!" by chrisholcroft

"Sumatran Tiger" by JSJPhotography

"Beauty Nature" by Kanuzdra

"Lost In Your Gaze" by RedMareBewarePhotography

"Edge of the World" by (A)Picatso

"Bushfire Aftermath" by sallyrevell

"trees" by vladimirchuyko

"The Incendiary" by adapanich

"Dans son ombre." by aldoviola

"Christ the Redeemer" by lgphotodc

"Icebergs at Cape Evans, Antarctica" by kiramorris

"Sunrise over the Kerkvaart." by (A)jackiebardsenboel

"walk the line" by boitasapin

"Goodbye childhood" by tonygoran