Thank you to all the photographers that shared their best macro shots. Objects, animals, nature; anything goes! in the Miniature Worlds Photo Contest with chances to win a Gift Card Bundle and more!

A special thanks to our friend and professional photographer Kathleen Clemons for his collaboration as a guest judge in this photo contest. Kathleen Clemons is an award winning photographer, instructor, speaker and workshop leader from Maine. Her work is represented worldwide by Corbis and Getty Images. Lensbaby lenses recently named her the "Georgia O' Keeffe of Flower Photography". With a background in education, and a passion for both photography and teaching, she loves to teach others how to improve their photography skills. Kathleen teaches online classes at The Bryan Peterson School of Photography and Creative Live and is on the Instructional Staff of the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. She also teaches several location workshops each year.

"Monty's new Mate " by Mack_Photography

"Little Jumper" by MatthewKou

"** It's a long way **" by Marierich

"Bee up close" by (A)ChrisIS

"Wasp" by (A)Bones615

"Slug Circus" by tinyredpanda

"A caterpillars view" by marc-photographie

"Fungi Family 2" by AshThomson

"A Fly Up Close" by inge_vautrin

"Promethea Silkmoth" by tonyawilhelm

"A Fistful of Kits" by petergreig

"Who is that?" by Alexander_Sviridov

"Golden Mantella Frogs" by gbrookshaw

"Cricket" by (A)fuzzyfelt30

"untitled" by hazelmansell-greenwood

"The touch" by Dragos_Pop

"Wasp II" by davidscottrobson

"oOOo" by (A)garygregory

"Petal Walking " by (A)MarissaJane

"The beauty of this creature is inspiring" by andrewrundgren

"Magic_Mushroom" by Merma1d

"Birdwing butterfly caterpillar" by JohanLarson

"Dragonfly" by MattGould

"legs" by MaryAnnAndrews

"The spider and the mushroom" by Damon

"untitled" by Mariko

"snail" by aleoko

"Little Dude" by LeaFoster

"Peek" by Michael_Higgins

"Giraffe" by Macrero

"Cigarron" by derekgalon

"bee bnw" by chrisjarvis

"Black and White Fly" by keithpassaur

"I just stood there" by Albertvuvukonde

"Bee backlit" by cynthiajackson

"Red Milkweed Beetle" by (A)Effess

"Ruby" by AMills

"Bee Hummingbird-2" by David-B

"Water Drops Yellow Gerbera " by CarolineHuard

"The King of The World " by Florianpascual

"Delicate Reach " by ntgreen

"Wasp " by Lpepz

"Wilson Plover Chick " by OutbackPhotoAdventures

"tulpenassbunt " by anjamorawietz

"Spider " by BensViewfinder

"Peeping Tom " by meganlorenz

" Ant on a leaf " by nedkov

"A Distinguished Turtle " by SamuelGillilanPhotography

"The chipmunk and the Dandelion " by Trishkochphoto

"Lucky Praying Mantis " by PamelaJay

"Couch Potato " by Hedde

"New Life " by ricklecompte

"Purty Poison " by HaliSowle

"Pretty In Pink " by emxsee

"Maple Bullseye " by James_Markus

"a careful stroll across the road " by jolandiebotha

"All flies are welcome, big and small " by ypopkov

"Going East " by Trish_Mistric

"watered down " by jimspics

"Escalade " by mafe

"Munching Snail " by FalconEyesPhotography

"Mushroom vision " by aivarpihelgas

"Fungi " by SylwiaUrbaniak

"Fly Reflection " by Clare1981

"Orchid praying mantis portrait " by julie_cavell

"IMG_9505 " by thomasthain

"Deer Fly " by GeraintRadford

"Nature of Life " by MiguelMartins

"hanging spider with prey " by lessysebastian

"Mushroom " by Prijaznica

"Sisters in the Forest " by ianchen0

"portrait2 " by joecas

"Hammer Tree Frog " by SwenneHenriet

"Tomato Time " by mcampi

"a wet Fly " by Marcogressler

"wanderer " by AgnieszkaD

"glow " by tigfong

"Tail End of Things " by RichardReames

"Most complex eyes " by Greatwhitesean

"The Dahlia Cafe " by ericakinsella

"Jitterbug LadyBug " by mihrt

"Rendezvous " by PriscilaOctavianaBadalut