ViewBug member liliyanazarova got inspired when she saw other's work and thought she could do a better job. Learn more about her inspiration, techniques and and photography style. "Photography helps me to realize become a creative person. I love to work with people and I feel alive when I take a camera in my hands.".

Tell us a bit about yourself, how do you describe your photography style?
My name is Liliya. I worked as makeup artist in the cinema for a long time. I watched the staging of the frame and how the operators worked. I was particularly interested in working with light. I saw all the work, and sometimes I didn't like the result. It seemed to me that something I could have done better. And I began to take photos to prove that I could do this.

What do you carry in your camera bag?
My bag is not so big. So, I have a Canon 7D camera and a few lenses; 18-135mm, 135mm f/2.0, and Lensbaby Muse.That is all. Also I often take the cosmetics. I always do my models' makeup and hairstyle myself.

Do you remember a difficult photo shoot session? What happened?
Yes, I remember one very difficult photo session from the "Lady in the Boat" series. We prepared this photo session for a few days. We searched dresses, sought a location where we could rent a boat and so on. Finally, everything was ready. We went to the location and rented a boat but shortly after we left the pier; it started raining hard. We went back to the pier and of course, we were soaked and decided to go back to home. We continued our adventure on the next day. There were many mosquitoes which made the photo shoot very uncomfortable but we finally finished the shoot and got great shots.

When did you start taking photos and what inspired you to get started?
I started to taking photos about 5 years ago. My husband bought me a camera - Canon 7D with a 18-135mm lens. He always helps me, teaches how to use a camera etc. After few years I become a very good photographer.

Do you have a favorite location and time of the day to shoot?
My favorite location to shoot is near my home where I can find many beautiful natural landscapes. In the spring, there are many flowers. In the summer there is a wonderful beach that I can go to. In the autumn, there is a magic yellow-red forest. In the winter, there is pristine snow. Ā My favorite time of the day to shoot is sunset because the light at this time is soft.

Can you share three tips with your fellow photographers?
1. Before shooting, choose the right color of clothing. The clothing should combine with the location.
2. As I mentioned earlier, my favorite time to shoot is sunset. I think that pictures taken during sunsets are the best.
3. Don't be afraid to experiment.

a. Where did you take it the shot below, which we know is one of your favorites?
This photo was taken in my favorite "Naked Studio". I think it's one of the best studios in Moscow!

My favorite shoot is from "Red Fox" series. Honestly, this photo session was a random, as well as the photo itself. I was supposed to work with another person, but she could not make it. So I called to my friend Nadya and she was glad to hear that we'd have a photo session together. I took this photo at the end of the photo session. We just decided to fool around a bit and as a result, this photo become my favorite!

a. Time of the day and lighting details
It was in the middle of the day. I always use natural light.

b. Equipment used
Camera: Canon 7D and Lens: 135mm f./2.0

c. Inspiration behind this photo
I simply like red hair which inspired me to take this photo.

Please share some thoughts on your ViewBug experience as a photographer!
I have signed up on ViewBug in July 2016. I like this website, because I can participate in many contests, show my pictures to my clients, friends, & family. Iā€™m really pleased to know that some of my work is popular in the ViewBug community.