Get insights into how to get the perfect night shot with Paeang Ng @ASTRORDINARY. Self taught astro and night photographer from Australia shares 7 tips on night photography in this free eBook: "The Adventure Photographer and The Night".

Tip 1:  The Equipment

Let’s face it, to get good results you need decent equipment. In general Full Frame cameras produce the best results because of the larger sensors, giving higher dynamic range and and better noise performance compared to small sensors.

Cameras like the Canon 6D, Nikon D750 and Sony A7S are desirable.

I personally like fast wide angle lenses for Astrophotography. My lens of choice is the Sigma 20mm 1.4 ART lens. The wide field of view allows me to keep the shutter open for a longer period of time without getting noticeable star trails. Along with a large 1.4 aperture, it allows me to gather a huge amount of light in a single exposure.

These are some great lenses for Astrophotography:
Tamron 15-30mm f2.8
Sigma 20mm f1.4
Irix 15mm f2.4
Samyang 24mm f1.4

Continue reading this and 6 other must know tips: Download your free copy and get the tools you need for your Summer adventures.