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I think that being creative is the most important thing in our lives, because creativity is the engine that let us live fully and be ourselves with no hipocrisy...
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I think that being creative is the most important thing in our lives, because creativity is the engine that let us live fully and be ourselves with no hipocrisy. No matter how silly it can be or if others don't like what you create: it is your voice and it's worth being heard. I decided to continue being ispired by nature and I create art to show what profound meaning it has to me. It's something that I can't explain by words and that's why I need to take pictures: they help me stay alive.
Even if a photo doesn't seem beautiful to you, because it doesn't mean it can't be inspiring for other people so don't hide your photos. Don't hide your voice. Be bold and post them on the net, let other people lose in your dream, in your own world and lose yourself in that dream too. Don't be afraid to fail. Art is never a failure in whatever form it comes to life.

"If you shout out loud enough, you can change someone else's mind in an unforgettable way".

Free yourself and chase your dreams until you can't chase it anymore.
Feel free to give whatever comment you want and I hope it will inspire you as it did for me.


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