Here is something we can learn from stwongphotography about the techniques and story behind this awarded photo.

stwongphotography is from Singapore and is an amateur photographer using mainly Canon products and lenses with the exception of the Olympus EPL-3.  Stwongphotography shoots anything and everything interesting daily.

stwongphotography enjoys a good composition and now spend time perfecting my portraiture and DSLR movie making.


1. stwongphotography,where did you take this photo?

it is taken in the morning at the sofa where our cat mint mint rests in her basket. Natural daylight coming in the windows on the right.

2. What time of day?

Morning around 7am.

3. Anything worth sharing about lighting?

This shot was capture with the very natural light coming in from our window on the right, its intent was to have direct and ambient light from the strong sunlight.

4. What equipment did you use?

I used my Canon 7D MK1 with my new 50mm lens open wide aperture at f1.8, handheld, no flash.

5. What inspired you to take this photo?

Simply irresistible, playful cat actions.

6. Did you do any post-processing? if yes, tell us about it!

No post-processing, as is.

7. What equipment do you normally have in your bag?

Canon 7D or my Olympus EP-3.

8. Any advice for others trying to capture something similar?

Have your pet/animal in it's most comfortable environment, take time to play, move the camera in sight of the subject, try not to use flash, but fill lights, so the subject does not panic and "play" into a pose.  Switch off camera sound, it will disturb the subject.


Discover stwongphotography's photographic style and techniques.

Mint Mint_MG_3667 w text by stwongphotography
Mint Mint_MG_3667 w text
