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Behind The Lens


This photo was taken in Fukui, Japan. I attended a ceremony for my wifes late grandmother. It was held at her home,an old style Japanese house. Her grandfather hasnt been able to upkeep the small garden located in the center of the home. The result is a beautiful little natural area filled with creepy crawlies I have never seen before.


This was taken around 5pm in August. The sun was no longer overhead but there was so much light coming, I could take pictures from any angle.


I loved the way the sunlight was coming through the momoji trees. I usually go for extreme close-ups but I wanted to try something different and wanted to capture the whole scene.


I used a Sony a6000 with the SEL30M35, a 30mm macro lens. I took the shot from about a meter away.


This photo came about from the awkwardness I was feeling standing around my wifes family. My Japanese isn't the greatest and I didn't want to offend anyone by taking pictures inside the house so I moved to where I would be out of the way. I liked the way this caterpillar had walked out on its own and tried to capture the whole scene rather than my usual extreme close-up.


I used light room to balance turn down the brightness. This is my first non point and shoot camera and I'm still learning how to handle raw files. It easy to get carried away!

In my camera bag

cookies, A Sony a6000, a 50mm-200mm lens, a raynox dcr250, extension tubes and a sigma 19mm lens, lens pen, headlamp, pair of chopsticks and after bite.


I'm new to photography so still playing around learning what works best for what situations. I feel a lot better receiving advice then giving it.

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