Meet ViewBug community member Lonejensen. "I wanted to be an illustrator, a cartoonist, an art teacher, an archaeologist even a tattooist. I just couldn't find the right thing for me, until I started on a photography course. I loved the emotions I could portray through my photos. I saved up and treated myself to a second-hand 35mm camera and started exploring black and white photography. 10 years later, when I had my first child I moved ontoĀ a digital camera. Ā I learned that I could use my sensitivity and creativity to my advantage. I can now portray the world the way I see it through my art. I love capturingĀ those secret in-between moments, the split second yourĀ child pauses and forgets about the camera. Ā These are the moments that I cherish the most and where I feel weĀ get a glimpse of their soul. My approach is that a photoshoot should be fun, relaxed, natural, and something to remember."

Here is something we can learn from lonejensen about the techniques and story behind this awarded photo:

Where did you take this photo?

I took this photo at our allotment that we, unfortunately, don't have anymore. The boys loved coming there to run wild amongst wildflowers, fruits, and tall grass. One particular plot had no owners so it was overgrown with tall grass and weeds. I instantly knew I wanted to take a photo there. This was taken on 21/07/2016, at 2pm. It was the summer holidays and we would go there every day to pick fruit and pick weeds. The kids would all be exploring every little bug or animal they could find. It was an amazing place for them to play.

Anything worth sharing about lighting?

I always use daylight when I'm shooting outside. This wasn't a planned shoot either, so I didn't bring any other gear with me than my camera. I position the subject in a way so the light shines on their face unless I am going for a backlit photo of course. This day was not particularly sunny, so I didn't have a problem with harsh shadows.

What equipment did you use?

I used my much loved Canon EOS 5D Mark III with my incredibly loved 50mm 1.2 lens. It was shot at f1.6 1/5000 at ISO 100. I never use a tripod for photos of people or animals as I feel way too limited in movement.

What inspired you to take the photo?

My kids inspire me on a daily basis. The way they play and let their imagination run wild. My son had found some lovely feathers this day and put one behind his ear, somehow it reminded me a bit of the film "Lord of the Flies" which I watched in the cinema as a kid and loved! When I saw him running around in the tall grass, looking all beautiful I had to take a photo, lucky for me he doesn't mind at all.

Did you do any post-processing?

I actually did quite a bit of editing on this photo. I wanted to draw attention to my son and make the colours pop more as it was a grey sky that day. I love playing around in photoshop to get the vision I have in my mind. I shot it at f1.6 so all the focus is on my son and the background gets a nice blur/bokeh to it which I love.

What equipment do you normally have in your bag?

If it's just me and my kids going out to play when I bring my mark III with either my 50mm 1.2 or my Sigma 35mm 1.4 with me. The 50mm gives such a lovely portrait but the 35mm gives you a really cool look, so I choose either of them depending on where we go.
If it's a booked shoot then I pack my Mark III, my Canon 7D as a backup, my Canon 50mm 1.2, Sigma 35mm, Canon 70-200mm, and a Speedlite (which I never end up using). I pack several charged batteries and business cards, extra batteries for the Speedlite, and a bottle of water. Sometimes I also bring my Lensbaby, but I still need a lot more practice with that one.

Any advice for others trying to capture something similar?

I would suggest taking part in your kid's play, watch them, talk to them and snap in between. If you get a good idea, tell them, they will usually love hearing it and taking part in your vision/play. I usually follow them around and give them good ideas. They love when we take part in what they do and it's very rewarding for you too.

VisitĀ lonejensen's profile to see more inspiring shots.