1. Tell us what drives the passion you have for travel photography?

Photography satisfies a deep curiosity within me to explore my world, and connect, when I'm exploring grand landscapes, forest paths or connecting with clients and students. Photography connects us to our humanity, to our world and to our people.

2. You have been the co-host of several shows including “The Photoshop Show” and “LIFE Through The Lens”. Have you always enjoyed being in the spotlight or do you like to escape to a far-away place?

Between you and I, I'm an introvert. Well a social introvert, but an introvert nonetheless. I only found out in this phase in life that I was comfortable being in front of the lens and in front of people. I still panic before a show, or a big trip or a shoot, but I know that once I am engaged with my audience or client, I settle in and simply engage. It's like that with travel. My secret is that I'm more like a hobbit than an explorer. It takes a great deal of energy to begin an adventure, but once I'm on it I give it 110%. Often, after only a few weeks of travel, I need a couple of weeks to shut down and recharge. I also prefer to travel with a friend or group. I thrive off relationships and contributing to other creative journeys.

3. Since you are judging the “Travel Destinations” photo contest, what has been your very favorite photographic travel location and why?

Easily my favorite destination has been Antarctica. I love landscapes, I love wildlife and I love being in a community of likeminded people. So when the opportunity to be a photography guide with One Ocean Expeditions came up, I did not hesitate to say yes. It was a lifetime type experience and as a result of having such a successful symposium, I was invited to do no less than 4 more polar trips in 2016.

My other favorite location is what I call "my backyard". The area of central and northern Ontario. that is accessible by car or train. I live in an amazing area with countless opportunities to photograph some wonderful nature and landscapes. You don't always have to travel to exotic destination to get great images and enjoy your craft.

4. Give us your top 3 Tips for Travel Photography.

2. Take your vitamins.  Travel can trash your immune system. Take Vitamin C BEFORE and during your trip.
3. Ask!  We have the world at our fingertips. While you can never know everything about a destination, you can know more before you go than ever before.  Research reviews online, ask friends for recommendations or feedback if they, or people they know have travelled there.

5. What specifically are you looking for in a winning Travel image?
Connection. While good composition is important, Impact, colour (or lack of it) can be powerful, as well as a number of other technical details. It really comes down to connection and whether I feel I connected at a visceral or emotional level with an image. Story trumps technique, and while good focus,and clear well composed images are nice, it's how I interact or react with an image that will win me over.<