Action sports photographer, Tim Kemple is the guest judge for the Solitary Photo Contest, Tim talks photography and answered our member's questions.

1) When did you start taking photos and what inspired you?

I started photographing my friends, travels, and adventures when I was in high school. I grew up in the Northeastern part of the US and we would take road trips down south or out west every chance we got. So photography became a way to share my stories with friends and family back home.


2) What has been your favorite photo adventure?

Wow, that's a tough one. I think photographers always connect most with their current imagery. You know that idea of what I shot last week is SO much cooler, better, etc than what I shot a year ago. When in reality that may not be the case… So with that in mind I think my trip to Mexico to work on a personal project with some world class kayakers was the most fun I've had on a shoot in a long time.

3) What is one tip you can share with other photographers?

Shoot what you love. Take chances. Value honest critiques over 'likes'. Tell good stories.

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