For this photo contest, we called all fearless explorers and nature enthusiasts! We're on a quest to uncover the untamed magnificence that lies hidden in the wild, untrodden corners of our world. From soaring mountains to mysterious forests, from untamed coastlines to rugged trails, we invited you to capture the untamed essence of our planet's breathtaking landscapes with chances to win a The North Face Waterproof Bag and more.

Congratulations Grand Jury Winner "La montagne ensorcelée" by AdCarreira

Congratulations People's Choice "Shiprock Serenity" by GayleLucci

Congratulations Runner Up "That view" by george_kossieris

Congratulations Runner Up "Hiking Rainbow Mountain, Peru" by FeatherstonePhotography

Congratulations Runner Up "Kelingking Beach Shore" by Joacomaj

Congratulations Runner Up "Cliffside at Snæfellsnes " by Olafsson

Congratulations Runner Up "Living in the mountains" by tinumueller

Congratulations Runner Up "Unworldly in our World " by Daniel-French

Congratulations Honorary Mention "The view" by Markus_van_Hauten

Congratulations Honorary Mention "Enchanted Shiprock" by Stookey

Congratulations Honorary Mention "On the Edge" by simalg05