Thank you for your participation in the Image Of The Year Photo Contest.  Win or lose, every participant receives two Magical Landscapes Lightroom Presets from legendary landscape photographer Patrick Di Fruscia. These presets are available exclusively to ViewBug members.

Give Your Landscapes The Magical Touch 

Download Di Fruscia's Striking Landscapes Lr Presets


Make Your Landscapes More Impactful


Meet legendary landscape photographer Patrick Di Fruscia

Di Fruscia is a World Visionary Fine Art Nature & Landscape Photographer. He spent most of his childhood years away from the city, having been raised mostly in the Canadian countryside. From the time of his birth, his experiences in nature was to become a large influence in affecting his ultimate passion for the beauties of the natural world.

His love for the arts has grown throughout the years, and he attributes his devotion to interpreting nature in an artistic manner to his parents’ dedication to the arts. His father, Joseph, was a professional photographer during a period in his life and his mother, Michele, was gifted with artistic talents such as drawing, painting, and interior design. Her fine eye for details was a big influence on his perception of nature.

As he started reading everything he could get his hands on about photography, he quickly realized that this was an art form that would enable him to express his inner feelings about the world around him. This soon became an insatiable desire to record the beauty of nature. The camera soon became the perfect medium to express his true inner feelings.

Get inspired, visit Di Fruscia's website and social profiles:

Instagram: @DiFruscia
Facebook Page: