People come to ViewBug to checkout the amazing contributions from the community, like the featured photo by ElenaParaskeva. Every creative is producing unique works of art that tend to produce visceral reactions to the viewer.  From breathtaking landscapes and vistas to eye-catching portraits and city shots; we all need more expressive ways than a "like" to respond to the images we see on ViewBug.

At the same time, when you upload a photo on ViewBug,  you want more ways to understand how your images makes people feel and what their reactions are when they see your photos.

That’s why we've introduced a set of emotions on ViewBug, giving you more ways to quickly and easily tell visual creators and your fellow community members how you feel about their images.

We looked at all the reactions that people are having on ViewBug and looked at the basic human emotions to come up with a intuitive approach to sharing these basic feelings: Impressed, Happy, Relaxed, Sad and Upset.

You can be impressed when you see an image, or simply feel Happy for the expression and moment shared in a photo. Relaxed can help you communicate when an image makes you feel tranquility or takes you back to a quiet moment in your life. Like in any other art forms, some images can make you feel sad or even upset when looking at them.

As with every product we build on ViewBug, we will be listening closely to your feedback on how you’re using the new emotions. We hope these emotions help you better describe how you feel when you look at your favorite photos.