We are doing another feature of a hand picked Viewbug member, say hello to community member and creative photographer Garysanchez. Get lost in his stunning portraits, calming landscapes and engaging macros. Please give him a warm welcome and enjoy!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself, how do you describe your photography style?

I was born and raised in Ireland, but have lived in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for the last four years. My day job is as a heavy machine operator and photography is my go to when I want to unwind. My style is a mixed bag to be honest. I never really stick to one type of photography as it is more about how I'm feeling at any particular moment, whatever comes into my head. With high speed photography I can spend hours splashing, bursting, breaking and dropping whatever I think will come out well on camera. When outdoors, I try to capture the immediate beauty that I see around me, whether it be in infrared or a really long exposure to make the scene more dramatic.

2. In one sentence what has photography done for you in your life?

Photography allowed me to meet my future wife. We are both avid photographers.

3. When did you start taking photos and what inspired you to get started?

I started taking photos not long after moving to Toronto. I had used my camera somewhat when I lived in Australia, but it was very basic stuff. Toronto is full of art. Art is everywhere, from the graffiti-filled alleyways, to artists painting and drawing in public. Once exploring the city, I felt the immediate urge to try new things. From there, it pretty much evolved from an interest to an obsession.

4. What has been your favorite shoot and why?

I did a high speed photograph where I filled a champagne glass with some food colored milk and shot it with a pellet gun. The shot itself wasn't too difficult to execute. What I liked was being in a dark room and experiencing the exact instant when the glass exploded and the flash captured it.  I was able to watch this split second event in real time and then see it seconds later in the viewfinder. The anticipation for this type of shot is like nothing else, it's different from shooting regular photographs.

5. Do you remember a difficult photo shoot session? What happened?

Water drop photography is the most difficult and time consuming project I have taken on. To try and configure the drops to the proper setting and to get the water consistency right can be very frustrating. One particular day I must have taken over 300 photos and captured nothing. With some true determination I went back the next day and got the results I wanted. Most recently though it has been dirty sensors. We have been travelling for nearly four months and dust speckles have become a hinderance. Not enough time to get the camera cleaned and I can't seem to rid of them myself.

6. What do you carry in your camera bag?

I use a Nikon D700 with a Nikkor 24-70mm lens for a lot of my shoots. I also have an old Canon EOS 400D with a Canon ef-s 60mm and Sigma 18-200mm f3.5 which I use for my long exposure shots as I own all the filters. I also have a dedicated infrared camera which shoots only in IR. When I shoot at home I use some flashes for the high speed shots.

7. Do you have a favorite location and time of the day to shoot?

Anywhere and everywhere. I am at the tail end of my Southeast Asia adventure with my fiance. It has been truly a life changing experience. The culture,smells,sights and people we have had the pleasure of crossing paths with on a daily basis makes the whole world of photography more enticing than ever. It's going to be tough to go home, although I will look at things differently now.

8. Can you share three tips with your fellow photographers?

In a nutshell my methods for improvement are,:

Search it! The internet is a powerful tool. It has given me the means to be inspired, learn and execute my goals.

Practice and keep practicing. Hard work and determination will churn out good results. Don't be discouraged by one or two bad shoots.

Think outside the box. See where your imagination takes you, you will be surprised.

9. Please share one of your favorite photos with us with a short tutorial:

A. I took this photograph in my home made studio (my shower basin to be exact). It was the best place to contain the broken glass. You have to be careful.

B. The lighting situation was a dimly lit room where the subject was lit by an off camera flash either side with a black cardboard background placed behind. I put the glass on a piece of black plexiglass to get the reflection.

C. For this shot I used my Canon EOS 400D with ef-s 60mm f2.8 macro lens mounted on a tripod. I had a flash either side to light the subject and I used my Stop Shot module with microphone to activate the flashes when it hears the impact. I used a two second exposure to allow time for the impact of the pellet with the glass. The flashes capture the action.

D. Capturing the action and the anticipation of seeing the results in a high speed photography shot is a big draw for me. No result is ever the same. I look forward to shooting some more (no pun intended) when I get home.

E. There luckily wasn't much post in this shot. I guess because the milk and food colour mixture was a bit heavy that there were no stray splashes or drops in the photo. The slightest levels adjust and I was done.

10. Please share some thoughts on your ViewBug experience as a photographer!

Viewbug has been such an influential means for me to evolve as a photographer. There are so many talented people on here from all aspects of photography that make this site so enjoyable and make you want to improve.It is my go to when it comes to online viewing. I guess you can say I've got the Viewbug!

Thank you very much Garysanchez! if you enjoyed his photographs, head over to his profile and hand him some peer awards.