Say hello to Daniel, a Canadian ViewBug member that goes by with the username danieljamesgreenwood. Daniel has been a finalist in 7 photo contests and has received over 1.8K Peer Awards. "It all started with cell phone pictures on my android. Just recently I decided to take the leap and further my vision by buying my first full frame DSLR ( Canon 6d ) I work full time so I spend every weekend exploring and capturing beautiful scenes and light. I find lately my camera never leaves my side..I'm still learning a ton..I hope to portray my vision on a digital canvas as best I can with the skills that I have learned so far. My all time dreams are to travel and photograph some of the most iconic locations in the world." - Daniel

1. I love photography because: Well I love photography because it gives me the means and tools I need to share some of the most beautiful scenes in nature with not just myself but everyone around me. This has always been such a big thing to me when capturing and creating beautiful scenes. I have always enjoyed being able to share what this beautiful world has to offer us, and inspire those around me.

2. My camera lets me: My camera lets me portray my creative vision by capturing these scenes the best way that I see them in my mind and at that current time.

3. I find inspiration when: I find inspiration the most when I am connecting with friends from all over the world, and knowing we all share the same passion to capture and create beautiful scenes is quite inspirational to me.

4. One of the photos I am most proud of is: I put a lot of feelings into the capturing and creating of this image in hopes to portray some dramatic feelings to my viewers.

5.My favorite place to shoot is: I find my favorite place to shoot is away from any trace of humanity, where I can get in touch with myself and nature at the highest level possible. This to me is the most important part where I can open my mind and take in the true sense of nature and beauty of our planet.

6. One of my favorite photos on ViewBug is: This sort of work has always made me feel truly inspired to explore the world and get out there. This was a photo captured by my good friend Scott McCook, he has always played a huge roll in inspiring me to keep pressing forward.

7. These are 3 quick tips I’d like to share with fellow photographers: First and most importantly... Always keep moving forward and remember to inspire everyone around you..I find the most inspiring thing is to know that you have inspired others. One thing I find absolutely important is to always follow your own creative vision, do what it is that makes you happy as far as capturing and creating goes..there are no bounds to creativity. A tip to those that are just starting out and learning, always experiment with new things, connect with people around you as much as you can and get out there and explore.

8. One photo that was difficult to shoot was: This photo was extremely hard to capture at the time because there was grizzly bears everywhere and my battery was nearly dead. Not to mention it was pitch dark and extremely cold out on the Ice Fields that night. Some tips and secrets behind this photo...well basically I got lucky with the foreground composition as the hotel behind me lit it up quite nicely . The stars and milky way seemed to be in the correct locations for this shoot. The best tip I could give for shooting something similar to this would be to pre-visualize what it is you wish to capture before turning on your camera. Take in the beauty of the scene and appreciate what nature has to offer before even thinking about settings and compositions

9. My favorite item in my camera bag is: If I were to chose what item was my favorite in my camera bag I would have to go with my over sized Carl Zeiss cleaning cloth. I find I'm always needing to clean my LCD screens and lenses quite often.

Get inspired, follow danieljamesgreenwood and award your favorite shots.