Enjoy the cosplayers and alternate fashion people shots of ViewBug community member kierankerrigan, who is always focused in creating a story and emotion in a single image.

Noird Park in Dusseldorf, Germany

About 5pm, couple of hours shy of sunset

Well the trick here is partially editing, the actual image was taken in the shade well before sunset and the Golden hour so this image had a fair amount of post processing to bring these colours out.


Canon 5D Mk II with an 85mm at F2 .. and that's it.

Think about the flow of the shot, where is the subject going and making sure their pose matches or even allow them to move across the shot and try to grab that perfect one point of movement and framing.

Movement, I really love adding some form of movement feel, still kind of working on my ability to compose this into shots but I do feel like this one has that sense of movement as the subject heads towards camera right.

Oh hohoho .. much, from enhancing the definition to completely changing the colour feel this shot has it went through my full processing style.

In my camera bag
my bag is woefully under stocked compared to my wants but I like to keep a range of lenses so it currently consists of my 135mm F2 L, 85mm F1.8, (nifty) 50mm F1.8 and a prehistoric age 20-35mm F2.8 L (I think you could kill a person with that lens for it's weight!). On top of this I always carry flashguns, triggers and some modifiers from just lightspheres / powersnoots up to octoboxes and stands.