1. Tell us a bit about yourself, how do you describe your photography style?

I like to shoot what speaks to me, a beautiful sunset or crashing waves against a shoreline. If I had a particular style, I would say that I'm not afraid of color or emotion in my pictures. Shoot big.

2. In one sentence what has photography done for you in your life?
Photography has clutched me from a dark time in my life and drove me toward the beauty that was always in front of me.

3. When did you start taking photos and what inspired you to get started?
I was always drawn to landscapes and it was what inspired me, but the kick start was the birth of my first daughter, Kyra.

4. Do you have any influencers?
When it comes to someones work that inspires me, I would have to say the French photographer, Jean-Michel Berts. His black and white work is stunning.

5. what has been your favorite shoot and why?
I'd have to say the "Hobo" photo series that I shot of my daughter. There are 4 in the series and all are on ViewBug.

6. Do you remember a difficult photo shoot session? What happened?
The most difficult photo shoot that I had was my very first one. I wasn't because of nerves, but I learned a few things after chasing 2 kids around for an hour and very poor lighting conditions. No longer will I let the customer dictate my shooting style.

7. what do you carry in your camera bag?
I carry around a Canon 6D with a Tamron 70-200 2.8 VC usually attached. However, my Canon 24-105 or Sigma 50 1.4 is never far from reach.

8. Do you have a favorite subject to shoot?
I enjoy landscapes and it's mostly what I'm drawn to, especially if there's a landscape with a water element.

9. Do you have a favorite location and time of the day to shoot?
My favorite location is my next one. Wherever the lens can lead me is where I want to be, and I believe that you'll almost always get the best light at sunrise.

10. What are you currently working on?
I'm currently working on getting my name out there and trying to focus on a steadier income through portrait work in my local area. The market here in Northern Virginia is saturated and hard to make a mark to stand out with.

11. Can you share a couple of tips with your fellow photographers?
Practice, practice and when you think that you've practiced enough.... practice some more. You can never be too efficient. I'd also tell others to shoot what they love and never forget why they picked up a camera in the first place.

Follow SeanThurston to see more of his photos!