VIEWBUG community member and guest judge Peter-Paul de Meijer (born in 1987 in Sluis, the Netherlands) is combining a medical career (he is a part-time general practitioner) with one in photography. Success in photography came early, being awarded the second prize in the prestigious Nike Sweetspot photo competition, shortly after starting photography in 2007.

In his latest series "Nachtwerk," Peter-Paul de Meijer once again demonstrates his intrepid spirit as he delves into the captivating world of nocturnal landscapes. Following his earlier series "Vastland," (New Zealand Landscape Photography: Best Spots To Photograph - where he ventured to document the pristine landscapes of Aotearoa (New Zealand) across four seasons in 2018, de Meijer takes viewers on a journey of introspection under the shroud of night. Through a meticulous interplay of light and shadow, he unveils the enigmatic beauty that emerges when darkness descends. "Nachtwerk" seamlessly weaves together the natural world and the human presence, inviting viewers to contemplate the profound connection between our nocturnal experiences and the intricate tapestry of existence. De Meijer's dedication to capturing the hidden depths of our world, both in the light of day and the stillness of night, continues to be an enduring theme in his artistic exploration.