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the exultation By Ken Killeen

Below is a photograph I took of a small part of the local Egret colony where my partner and I invested nearly 8 months in caring for.

Frequent c...
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Below is a photograph I took of a small part of the local Egret colony where my partner and I invested nearly 8 months in caring for.

Frequent checks several times a week (daily at peak breeding times) and night trips to look for sick and wounded birds.
Many babies were cared for and released and even the occasional Juvenile or Adult specimen would present itself for assistance.
One such baby egret was named Dawkins.
Many of you may remember him from previous posts from Terran Sky (as I grew most fond of him).
He stayed for nearly 8 months from chick until a healthy, flight-capable, juvenile bird.

As his colony had already moved on and we live on 160 acres (less than 2km away), it was decided that he be released into the open woodlands behind the house.
Flying my camera-equipped drone aircraft had long before allowed me to survey the site from aerial perspectives, which more effectively revealed the creek systems and surrounding catchment in the valley.
-It was perfect.
At worst he could live here forever in peace!

The last two months were spent almost in total isolation from my company (other than feedings), which was hard on us both, but most definitely necessary if he was to be released into the wild.
I expected him to stay around for a while but left the property only a few hours later upon release.
I was unable to locate him visually or with a drone.
After days I felt...
He was gone.

I spent two weeks worrying about him and convincing myself that it was naturally for the best... when, very unexpectedly, his strange form appeared once again before me, and right where I left him!
He had grown a bit more and was very hungry.
I left a bit of cat food (sardines) in a bowl a watched delightedly as he wolfed the whole lot down. I haven't smiled with that elation in some time! I was so delighted that he returned.
Did he miss me?

I caught him drinking from our duck pond a few times over the next week or two. He would run up to greet me, but always maintain a distance. this magic 10ft bubble of no-fly zone that followed me wherever I moved.
-Strangely his natural instincts overriding even our most complex relationship.
So different from parrots, ducks and other birds to which I am familiar; Bonds seem more temporary arrangements. Perhaps simply a tolerance? More reptilian to be specific! Much more akin to turtles, snakes and lizards which I have released. But in contrast.. He at least remembered me. And didn't feel comfortable with anyone else getting too close, so perhaps some limbic evolved insight within his wide-eyed skull. I didn't care though...
I like to think perhaps we just respect each other a little more.
As one helpless life form to another; trying to share a crazy world. Nonetheless...
It felt good that he didn't need me anymore, but then I would be a liar to say that he wasn't sorely missed!
After 8 months of nurturing him, I grew to love him like any pet or friend.

I haven't seen him since... But he's out there... and he's free.
And, Thats all I wanted for every member of this colony.
He sadly was the success story.
My beacon of hope.

The rest is tales of death.
Disease, traffic, domestic animals, natural competition, and sometimes just bad genetics, had lead me to witness what can be described as one of the most trying times of my sanity!
There is only so much you can do... and its NEVER enough.

The nests are in decay and the exultation has moved on to more fertile grounds for this coming winter
- whose icy breath has already made it to the countryside.

Now to prepare for next years inevitable brood.
And with any luck, they will always be inevitable.

Dedicated to Darwin and Sera.
Thank you both for being a part of that unusual and amazing journey through time.
I was a kid reliving Jurassic Park all over again.
They are simply elegant, beautiful and curious creatures!
Such is all that breathes a breath.

To the Exultation and its return.

By Ken Killeen of Terran Sky
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