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Green Button Pom Chrysanthemum

Untouched color-colour photograph by J. McCombie.
The common name “chysan-themum” comes from the Greek words “chrusos”, which means “gold” and...
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Untouched color-colour photograph by J. McCombie.
The common name “chysan-themum” comes from the Greek words “chrusos”, which means “gold” and “anthemom” which means “flower”. Chrysanthemums have been cultivated for 2,0000 years in China, and are also known as “The Flower of the East”.
Petals on chrysanthemums are actually florets, or small flowers. That means that each chrysanthemum bloom is actually a composite of may individual flowers on one head. Chrysanthemums have two types of florets: ray florets, which would be called petals on a daisy-type bloom, and disc florets, which compose the centre of a daisy-type bloom.
Design: The button pom is classed as a disc floret and is composed of only disk petals and is also called “Dots”. The size of the flower head is about half of the size of a cushion about 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter. The button pom is also classed as a spray pompon because it has many lateral stems off the main stem, all of which have flowers. These are desirable for designing because these laterals can be broken off and used as individual blooms in arrangements and bouquets.
Flowers are 1-2 in. across. The outdoor kinds are likely to be small, flat and buttonlike, while those cultivated indoors are usually larger and nearly globular. It is from one of the old hardy kinds long cultivated in the gardens as "Chinese" or "small-flowered" chrysanthemums, and commonly supposed to be the product of C. indicum, as opposed to the "Japanese" or "large-flowered" kinds introduced in 1862, which marked a new era by being less formal and more fanciful than any of the preceding kinds. Pompons are little cultivated under glass in America, being regarded mostly as outdoor subjects.
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