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Alvorecer (Dawn)

Está naquela idade inquieta e duvidosa,
Que não é dia claro e é já o alvorecer;
Entreaberto botão, entrefechada rosa,
Um pouco de menina...
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Está naquela idade inquieta e duvidosa,
Que não é dia claro e é já o alvorecer;
Entreaberto botão, entrefechada rosa,
Um pouco de menina e um pouco de mulher.

(Machado de Assis)

She is at that restless and dubious age,
That is not daylight and is already dawn;
A budding rose and a rose not yet in bloom,
One part little girl, the other a little woman.

Please forgive my awful translation. You can’t translate a poem from it’s natural language and not lose some of the magic behind the words… My grandpa and I were very close. We shared a love for all things books. We were both curious and he always encouraged me to explore new things. When I was still an awkward teen, he introduced me to this poem written by one of Brazil’s legendary authors. In it, Machado de Assis describes the magic woven by a young teen who sometimes acted like a grown woman and others like the little girl she was. I have always carried the words of that poem in my heart. So here is my little girl maybe a little younger than I was when my grandpa read those words to me. But she is definitely at that age: “one part little girl, the other a little woman.” And even though I wasn’t consciously thinking of the poem while creating this artistic rendering of a young girl resting (after too much dancing maybe), I’m sure it was lurking somewhere in my subconscious just waiting to make it’s appearance when I was about to give my work a title.
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