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Behind The Lens


I took this photo on a crocodile farm in South Africa, it was walking around and coming closer and closer too me while I was eating breakfast.


I took this while sitting at an outdoor table while waiting for the bill from breakfast at around 9.30 am and while setting up the camera.


The lighting in this was partly shaded (taken under a lapa) but taken outside where there is plenty of sunlight


I used a Nikon D3200, with a zoom lense of 70 - 300 from Tamron set at 240mm and with the macro setting on, and no other equipment, the setting was on the sport setting on my camera as like I mentioned I was still getting the camera setup


I took this photo, because I was checking if the settings on the camera would work for the days shooting and the rooster just kept standing and looking at me as if it was saying take my photo and actually sat still for a few minutes for me to do it


In this picture I did absolutely no processing, this is just the image as shot.

In my camera bag

I have a Nikon D3200, with 3 lenses, the Sigma 10-20mm for Landscape type shots, the Nikon lense that came with camera 18-55mm for family type shots and then I have the lense that I took this photo with the Tamron 70-300, I also have a tripod, and a Nikon flash for the dark times, I then also carry with me a Canon small camera SX610HS for when I do not feel like carrying the larger Nikon or when it is too crowded to use the Nikon or sometimes just to check what the picture will look like, I also occasionally have a small Nikon waterproof camera for the shots needed just underneath the water or for the rain, and also spare batteries and Memory cards.


Keep an eye around you and be prepared to take the shot, I took this shot at a Crocodile farm that had chickens, turtles ,roosters and other small bugs and snakes that were everywhere. The rooster was there when I had breakfast it was the right time and place.

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