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My beautiful niece having some old-school fun!

My beautiful niece having some old-school fun!
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Behind The Lens


This photo was taken in my front yard. This "mini" session with my niece actually happened by accident because I was practicing on my focus and composition skills on some pecans on the porch. She was playing, and caught my attention!


It was the end of a beautiful day, early evening. We had just had a get together, so all the adults were doing their own thing (of course, mine was taking photos! lol), and the kids were playing.


I actually took this opportunity to play around with the ambient light (high sunset) available. The sun was low, so I was getting some harsh side shadows. It took me quite a few shots, several adjustments, and playing with the flash a little bit to get a decent shot. Looking back on this photo now, I probably would have tried to use the sunlight more to my advantage.


I have a Canon Xsi 450D (hoping to upgrade soon! =)), and Tamron 28-300 mm 3.5-6.3, with built-in flash.


When I noticed her trying to hoola-hoop, it made me think of when my sisters and I played with ours, and tried to do tricks with it. It was some old school fun being shared with the new generation. Not many little girls know what a hoola-hoop is, and it was refreshing to see her having fun outside instead of in front of a TV.


I did some adjustments on the highlights/shadows to try to compensate for the harsh side light, and boosted the color.

In my camera bag

Over the last several weeks, this answer would have changed about ten times! =) I have just recently(3 months ago) decided to take my side hobby to the next level and make a career out of it. With that being said, I did not realize how many tools there were available to photographers. But as of today: Camera (Canon Xsi), Tamron 28-300mm,(I have a Canon 18-55mm, but I hardly use it), 430EXII speedlite flash, softbox for speedlite, light relfecter for speedlite, extra batteries, 52" tripod, 75" monopod, receiver/transmitter, 24" reflector, SD cards (2), light meter (which I haven't used because I have not learned how =(], remote trigger cord.... and a partridge in a pear tree!! =P I'm sure that as I learn and grow as a professional photographer, I will discover what works for me, and will leave at home what doesn't.


I think shooting kids is one of the most difficult shot because they don't understand how you want them to pose... I think my best advice for others shooting kids at play is to play along with them... Smile! Use encouraging words, and I have definitely learned that they "mimic" better than "follow directions". For example, in this picture, I stood up and grabbed my invisible hoola-hoop and showed her a few ways to hold it. The last thing I would suggest is a faster shutter speed and several shots to get that perfect shot.

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