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Portrait Of A Broken Life

portrait of someone who never really knew herself enough, she didnt know who she was in this world. she let a man take control of her life, but his intentions w...
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portrait of someone who never really knew herself enough, she didnt know who she was in this world. she let a man take control of her life, but his intentions were not good. she was blindsided, confused and filled with doubt. she believed his lies he told her about who she was and she no longer trusted her own thoughts. little by little she began to change. she began to see so much evil in people she never knew existed. How naive she must have been, but she wished she Could go back. Pretend she could unsee what she had already seen. She knew it was too late, she knew it was impossible. She had lost everything she had. All material things, her self worth and herself. This wasnt enough, he wanted to destroy her. He almost did. She wanted to die and he told her to shut up about it and just do it. As much as it hurt her to hear those words they actually saved her life. She finally realized he never loved her but she remember the old part of her still buried deep inside and it was enough to pull her out of the hell he created for her. She could never be who she was before but that was ok. She was meant to be more.
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cornishdave Platinum
cornishdave March 02, 2020
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