ViewBug community member Mark-Dobson has a general rule: "to always shoot during the early hours of the morning when the sun is rising. I find the ocean fascinating, there are so many possibilities for photography whatever the weather!".

These are the tips to shoot the ocean in a creative way.

As a general rule, all my photography is taken during the early hours of the morning when the sun rises, or just before when the sun is setting. I really like the golden hours for photography and find these parts of the day perfect for lighting. Of course, there will be a lot of occasions when the skies are grey and overcast and the light you are looking for will not happen, but you never know until you try. This particular image was taken as the sun was setting.

The great thing about the Northern Hemisphere in the winter months is the sun is very low in the sky and can create some fantastic lighting. In landscape photography wind can be very hard to portray in an image, it's an invisible force and I really wanted to capture this somehow. The weather conditions for a trip to Scotland in late 2015 were looking promising and it was a case of finding the perfect location, finding the right composition, and waiting for the storms to arrive.

The image was loaded up into Camera RAW and some of the dynamics were adjusted - the image was then put into Photoshop CC where I used a couple of curve layers to boost the shadows, mid-tones, and highlights. To get the most from the image a couple of photoshop filters were added to give the scene some impact and create the right atmosphere.

My Billingham Bag goes everywhere I go with a Nikon D800FX, Nikon 14-24mm, Nikon 70-200mm VRII, Cleaning Cloth! Nikon Cable Release, Nikon D700FX (Back up camera!) Spare Batteries.

Think about the final result you are looking for before reaching a destination, check weather conditions regularly to suit your needs. When arriving at a destination explore the area and don't settle on the first composition you find.

This is often easier said than done, we've all arrived at spectacular scenery locations and been blown away by the natural beauty and just started shooting off shots with the camera. Take your time (if you have it) - try and find something interesting within the scene to help your composition have more impact.

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