Member cathleenwarren speaks to all the photographers:

"I have loved using ViewBug. While I am a member of other photography forums, there is a lot of criticism of others. ViewBug gives photographers not only a place to compete, but a supportive community to show their work in hopes that they can inspire others and find inspiration themselves. I think it is amazing.
I do a lot of wedding photography, but my favorite inspiration is still nature. The texture of a dead cornstalk while backlit is beautiful. I love shooting water of all kinds from a puddle to an ocean. If I am really feeling empty with my work, I can always go sit at a nature preserve and wait for that moment when I am wowed by my own viewfinder. When all else fails, I go out and wait during the golden hour of lighting. Something so ordinary can look stunning when lit from the last rays of the day.
My only two tips are these: Bring a camera with you everywhere. Keep a point and shoot (a rugged one) with you if your full gear is too much. You never know when that moment will hit, I can still remember times when I was kicking myself that I didn't bring it. And get to love natural lighting. Get to know when to shoot, what feel each time of day brings, and how to shoot with the lighting. I use my flash, I like my flash, but I love natural lighting. It's dangerous to be a foot away from a baby alligator when its mother is near, but to have a flash go off is like ringing the dinner bell."