Photography can be a hobby and passion for almost anyone. No question about that. But as our community member Paul Griffithā€™s (paulgphoto91) said Ā ā€Photography is probably the best hobby in the world for someone who just wants to be alone. You can create your passion and achieve all your success behind closed doors without needing to tell anyone about itā€. We, the team at Viewbug, couldnā€™t agree more. Paul is a successful landscape photographer who cherishes the challenges photography has to offer. Read on for an interview with Paul, and explore his world.

I love photography because photography to me is everything.

It is my escape, my passion, and my ā€˜zen zoneā€™. I enjoy the many challenges and equal rewards it comes with and I cannot help but continue to want to search for that better light, better scene, better composition. Producing images that can be held onto forever like the memories in your mind. Photography is such a unique form of art and I will continue to love it forever.

My camera lets me become my own artist.

It lets me start with a blank canvas and slowly draw it in as I prepare for my shot. My camera lets me be more expressive and it knows itā€™s my tool I am the tradesman who has quickly become very fond of using it over and over as my workhorse! My camera has allowed me to appreciate the science behind photography by studying the many aspects associated with manually altering the light.

I find inspiration when I am outdoors and in the heart of nature, all alone.

I love my alone time, it is when I feel most at peace with the world. Photography is probably the best hobby in the world for someone who just wants to be alone. You can create your passion and achieve all your success behind closed doors without needing to tell anyone about it. Nature is just incredible, but when you are able to capture it on camera, it adds another dimension, you become more attached and more in love with it, you take it in more and start to notice the finer details, and with that comes more inspiration to do all the usual things. Wake up earlier, venture out later, stay freezing cold for longer, push and push to get that special shot, and in the end, it's always worth it!

One of the photos I am most proud of is "The sunset that ruled them all" because...

I would have to say this is one of my proudest photos for some of the simplest of reasons. Everything just came together so beautifully. I remember racing down the highway watching the clouds changing slowly and I kept saying to myself, this sky is going to explode. I predicted it to be good and tried to get prepared for where to shoot. I had this location in my mind for some time but could never always make the long drive. I ran down the beach through the mud and mangroves to be greeted by this sky. The air and water were still, not a single thing to be heard or seen, I was alone. It lasted for so long that I got to shoot and also sit back and watch in peace, something that doesnā€™t always happen in landscape photography.

My favorite place to shoot isā€¦

This one is really tough, I am sure there are many other photographers who can agree that picking one spot they love the most is too hard, as different environments prefer different light. But so far, without a doubt that place would have to be Alberta! The most diverse and incredible state I visited last year in Canada. Stunning mountains and gorgeous blue lakes everywhere! The trees and winding roads! It's all just orgasmic!

One of my favorite photos on ViewBug is "Norwegian Village @ Storm" by DERYK,Ā it makes me feel...

This is beautifully shot and composed. I love the moody feel it has. Some photos I have seen here in Lofoten Islands of this location are very long exposures which make the shot feel still and calming, I like the take on this shot to give energy and rawness to the scene!

One of my favorite photographers on Viewbug is ChristianbothnerĀ because...

I actually wanted to put down that my favorite photo on Viewbug is also by this guy but I didnā€™t want to make it all about one person. But Christian is overall, my favorite photographer on Viewbug. His work is so meticulous, I love his use of long exposures he does them really well. He has shot my number one bucket list item, the northern lights! He does it very well. There is also a wide-angle panorama he took in Reine village that I just love! Check out this guy's work!

These are 3 quick tips Iā€™d like to share with fellow photographers:

1. Composition, composition, composition! It's everything behind every photo. Itā€™s what makes or breaks a photo. I suggest watching Youtube videos and reading on the topic of art and how it crosses over with the same rules. Can make a world of difference.

2.Ā Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and what gear they are using, just use what you have and worry about focusing on yourself! Time and time again I see people getting caught up with this sort of stuff and it's just time-wasting. Instead, spend time shooting more, going during golden hour, learning the ins and out of your camera, and pushing yourself to try new things.

3. The hardest of them all, try to find your own style. Making your images look unique to you and having someone be able to recognize your photos amongst others. I myself, still have not got there completely, itā€™s something that takes years to work on but I think its an important goal. Try to stay consistent and donā€™t delve into too many areas of photography. End of the day, just have fun and do what you are most passionate about. If it's meant to be, the rest will follow.

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One photo that was difficult to shoot was "Kirkjufellsfoss"...

Iceland! What more can I say about this place? My one-week stay was extremely short-lived but I definitely tried to make the most of it whilst I was over there. I shot nearly 24/7. This shot here was indeed very tricky. The incredible Kirkjufell mountain with its height and leading lines. A very very popular spot to shoot in Iceland. When I arrived there I was the only one around, It was still early but as the midnight sun approached hours later it filled up very quickly. Standing on top of the waterfall looking out, there were around 15-20 photographers all crammed next to each other with their gear in a space of ten square meters! It was freezing cold, windy as hell and it was raining. If the rain was not already enough there was also extreme mist and spray in the air of the falls. I had to clean my front element and filters multiple times and work very awkwardly leaning over to try and keep the glass clean and get the shot quickly.

The tips and secrets behind this photo...

Hard to say with this one, the best tip if you were trying to shoot this photo too, would be patience! Stand back and observe first, pick your leading lines and work out in your head how you want your shot to turn out and what rough settings you want to use before you even get your gear out of your bag. Cause once you do, you clock ticks down fast! I knew I wanted my rules of thirds and also my mountain to be central, so I just found a middle point that worked. The best tip is to leave your filters and tripod alone to start, grab just your camera and lens and look through your eyepiece as you walk, bend down, stand up, twist, find your composition first. Then mark a spot and head back over with everything. Another tip, make sure you are ready to go when the moment happens. I had all my settings dialed in. Camera angle locked in place did test shots and then waited until the moment the sun dipped behind the horizon to get my starburst sun flare. Timing is everything.

For more beautiful images by Paul, visit his profile.