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Springing to Life

We followed the tracks for 9 days. Over that time the snow had begun to melt and each day it became more of a chore to decipher their prints. On the 9th day, we...
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We followed the tracks for 9 days. Over that time the snow had begun to melt and each day it became more of a chore to decipher their prints. On the 9th day, we had finally caught them, frolicking under this great falls. A magnificent rainbow split the scene and laid the track to the goal of our epic: the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. A single misstep gave us away. The leprechauns rallied to protect their bounty, fruitlessly as we had already cornered them between the throws of water and the cliffside. Their defeat dawning on them, they poured the pot into the falls as we pounced. Our long-sought prize spilled over into the torrential depths of oblivion, forever lost to the world. As the pieces cascaded, the two greenlings clasped hands and followed their gold to their death. We had tasted victory, only to lose at the last second; our destiny, unfulfilled.
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