Thank you to all the photographers that shared their photos showing the color orange as part of the essential aspects of the photo. This photo contest is designed to inspire creativity and to promote exploration of different channels through the lens. A small unattended detail can create a magnificent shot when properly placed in a photo, be sure to browse all the amazing entries in this photography competition.

A special thanks to our friends at Filter Forge for making this photo contest possible and to professional photographer Olav Folland for his collaboration as a guest judge!

Congratulations to the Grand Jury Winner "Tunnel Fire" by An-D

"This just SCREAMS "orange"  Generally I think spinning is way overdone as a photographic fad, but this just takes the cake.  All of the photos are awesome, and I'm really glad I didn't have to narrow the selection down, but I'm glad this rised to the top." - Olav Folland

Congratulations to the Runner Up Selections:

"NYC (1 of 6)" by stephenpapageorge

"There's an industrial feel going on that I really love. It's not quite smoggy though - it's evocative of someplace like Phoenix, just as a dust storm rolls in.  To that end there's a quiet power that is really difficult to put into words.  Major kudos" - Olav Folland 

"Explosion" by kulikuli

"I've seen a lot of flower photos, and this is both exemplary as a flower photo, but also just a killer level of orange  The sharpness of the display really makes it special." - Olav Folland

Congratulations to the People's Choice "Place to rest" by michaeldonovan