Thank you to all the photographers that shared their photos showing different city views. When looking through the viewfinder every corner in any city can be a great photo. With patience and the essential photography techniques, cities can be the ideal canvas for a photographer. Always keep a camera with you when roaming the streets!

A special thanks to our friends at Animoto for making this photo contest possible!

A big thanks to friend and professional photographer Jennifer B Hudson for her collaboration as a guest judge!

Congratulations to the Grand Jury Winner "Sparkling Rain" by elisentsck

"I really enjoy the simplicity of this image.  The rainy atmosphere provides a near blank canvas for the silhouetted actors strategically placed in the bottom right.  I love the luminosity of the umbrellas, and the wonderful use of this time of day.  The mood of this is very striking and a bit melancholy. I can identify, even empathize with those walking on this cold, snowy afternoon." - Jennifer Hudson

Congratulations to the Runner Up Winner "Paris Pianist" by thomasleibreich

"This is a wonderful use of a long exposure, which really illustrates the movement of this bustling street scene.  It's interesting to see who move through the image, and observe those who are still and listening, versus the passers by.  The technique creates a wonderful muted palette, almost watercolor like.  The strong diagonal helps to organize the composition, making the photograph even more alluring.   It's also interesting to observe how people act and react to a single performer, and organize themselves into groups" - Jennifer Hudson

Congratulations to the People's Choice "Dude" by CraigAnderson