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Kimmeridge Bay, Purbeck District of Dorset, UK

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Evening at Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset

Evening at Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset
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1 Comment |
FergalBrady August 18, 2020
Lovely flowing shot 👌
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Behind The Lens


This scene is of the well know Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset. The tower in the background is called Clavell Tower, or Clavell Folly, and was built back in 1830. Kimmeridge is located in a part of what is called the Isle of Purbeck which has many wonderful locations for landscape photography.


This was captured during an early morning visit on a December morning with plenty of movement in the clouds and the tide


The light was slowly emerging behind the headland but as with many seascapes the sky was significantly brighter than the beach. In order to balance things out I used a total of 5 stop ND soft grad filters.


Canon 5D RS, Canon 16-35 Mk I wide-angle lens, Lee 100mm ND filters (0.6 + 0.9), Manfrotto MT055CXPRO4 Carbon Fibre Tripod with X-Pro 3-Way head.


Kimmeridge is always an inspiration with every visit offering a different mood and endless variations on light and tidal activity. The bedrock has been rendered smooth by the sea over countless years and provides a fantastic foreground when combined with the waves.


Some work to fine tune the balance of exposure within PS raw and some dodge and burn to accentuate the surf.

In my camera bag

I always carry the Canon 16-35mm Mk I which is a fantastic lens to work with. Also I never venture far without Lee NDs and circular polariser.


Use a tripod and invest in Lee NDs as an essential to coping with the contrast between land a sky - invariably I find soft filters more useful than hard. Take plenty of shots to get the timing of sea receeding spot on and try to aim for half to one second shutter speed for a nice blur on the sea. Set the camera as high a possible on the tripod to give an interesting perspective to the shot but also go for a close to ground shot too for dramatic results.

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