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How to stay creative at home?

The COVID-19 global pandemic is affecting our way of life and the way we interact with others. Using our creativity is a great way to stay distracted during these difficult times. You now can be creative while helping raise awareness about the impact that deforestation has on our planet.

Here are some tips to stay creative and to make your images look beautiful:

1. Interesting Subjects.

At home, interesting subjects are all around you, even in the smallest and emptiest of rooms. Geometrical shapes, contrasting colors, patterns, and textures look great on camera. Give it a shot: Take photos of things you never thought would be interesting to photograph, you'll be amazed.

2. Good Light.

Good lighting is crucial to make a good photo great. Maximize light with night lamps or ceiling bulbs, control intensity by opening or closing window curtains or shades. If the light is still not ideal, increase the exposure and brightness withing the Treellions editing tools.

3. Patterns And Shadows.

Photography is about showing the aesthetics of your vision and ideas. Shadows and patterns can increase the visual quality of your image and make your shots more interesting. Use the Treellions filters to make the shadow and patterns pop.

4. Effects.

Explore your creativity with different Treellions editing tools. Try setting up centered subjects with a vignette, add tint and saturation for colorful backgrounds, and adjust the warm tones to control the mood of the photo.