Community member Steven Martin uses photography for a bigger purpose than merely a hobby. Wagner wants to gain support to protect Mother Earth from the big, resource exploited corporates. Based in the US he loves to shoot landscapes, particularly in the West where the ever changing weather conditions compliment the untouched and magnificent scenery. We had the opportunity to ask Wagner some questions about his photography and his technique… enjoy his answers out!

I love photography because: I am passionate about protecting the natural world, particularly our collectively owned Western Public Lands and National Parks. I want to use my photography to garner support for protecting these lands from those who look at these lands only through the eyes of resource exploitation, development and making a profit. “The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders” Edward Abbey.

My camera lets me: Create a small image of the larger world around us and share with others how I view the world around me, what I feel is important to admire, preserve and protect.

I find inspiration when: I’m alone in some wild place, the light begins to turn magic and illuminates some natural feature that just calls out to be immortalized through my camera.

One of the photos I am most proud of is:

It was one of several photographs I submitted that help me get selected as the Artist in Residence at Fort Union National Monument in New Mexico.

My favorite place to shoot is:  Anywhere in the West because of the beautiful natural scenery from the highest mountains to the lowest deserts, the clear air, bright blue skies, the ever changing weather conditions, as well as the abundance of historical sites and objects that exist because of the magical pull the West had, and still has, upon people from other regions.

One of my favorite photos on ViewBug is:

Because it makes me feel as I do when I am out shooting in some wild, natural beautiful location. I feel as if I could be that solitary tree, standing alone in the world in total awe of such aa sublime scene.

These are 3 quick tips I’d like to share with fellow photographers: 

1. Subject Matter: Photograph what calls to and inspires you

2. Composition: Compel the eye to be drawn to the subject matter that calls to and inspires you

3. Lighting: get up early, stay out late, shoot in all types of weather and shoot in manual mode, bracket, record in RAW and become proficient with you image development software so the eye can’t help but linger on the subject matter that you’ve so brilliantly composed and captured.

Follow StevenWMartinPhotography for more beautiful photos from the West and visit his website to see even more shots.