Check out these long exposure photos by ViewBug member Maddiechiodo and learn the tricks to capture similar shots.

Can you share any advice for others trying to capture a similar shot?

Patience is key. Most of the exposures that you set may go for up to 3 minutes, and on top of that, the amount of times you may have to re-do the shot. Adding all of that together, you could be in a shoot from 15 minutes to 2 hours or more. Even if you don't get your preferred photo in a shoot, try again. Never give up on creating the best photo you can. Also, experimenting with the facilities and equipment that you possess is in your favour. The possibilities are endless.

Where did you take this photo and at what time?

This was taken in a park behind my school. The area had low ambient light and the right amount of trees that I needed in my photograph. I took this photo at about 10:30pm, starting the shoot at around 9:30pm. Since I am a self-taught photographer, it took a while to get the right photograph.

Anything worth sharing about lighting?

I wanted to evoke curiosity in my photograph, so I tried to make the focus of the image the embedded blue light. I also wanted to make the blue light look like it was supposed to be there, so I added light on the trees where the "tunnel" would be reflecting off.

What equipment did you use?

This was shot on a Nikon D3100, with an 18-50mm lens using a cable release and tripod.

What inspired you to take this photo?

I was inspired by the idea of travelling to an unknown place. The best way I could represent this, was creating a spherical tunnel that drifted off into the depths of darkness, surrounded by wilderness.

Did you do any post-processing?

I added a bit of brightness to the image in photoshop, but other than that, it is barely touched.

What equipment do you normally have in your bag?

I usually have a Nikon D3100, an 18-50mm lens, cable release, tripod, and a few flashlights.

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