ViewBug community member MadeleineLenagh has always been fascinated by lynx and was thrilled to finally have the chance to see them up close. The Lynx's patterning blended in beautifully with the snow and the surrounding branches in the image below. Learn more about the meaning and the trick behind this photo.

Where did you take this photo?

During a January trip to Northern Norway, I had the opportunity to visit Polar Park, a sanctuary for Arctic wildlife. Two guides took me and my traveling companions into the lynx enclosure so we could get some great photos. It was around 1:00 pm when we entered the lynx enclosure. We had booked for a half hour in the enclosure, but the lynx seemed comfortable with our presence, so the guides let us stay in for almost an hour.

Anything worth sharing about lighting?

Above the Arctic Circle, in January, the sun doesn't rise until 10:00-10:30am and sets again around 2:30-3:00 pm. So the winter light is low but really beautiful. The snow was up to our knees and snow reflects light in a special way. This made for an evenly lit photo.

What equipment did you use?

I shot this with my Canon 5D Mark III and 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. I had no other equipment with me, we left our bags and backpacks outside of the enclosure. We were warned to go in with as little as possible, so we could move quickly if necessary.

Did you do any post-processing? 

I decided that color would detract from the beauty and simplicity of his gaze and the texture of his coat. So I converted the RAW file to black and white.

What equipment do you normally have in your bag?

If I'm going out for birds and wildlife, I take my 7D Mark II body, which has a crop sensor and more range, with a 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 lens and 1.4 extender, which is light enough for me to handhold. I didn't take that lens with me to Norway, however, it isn't light-sensitive enough. For landscape work I work with the 5D Mark III with either the 24-70 f/2.8 or th 16-35 f/2.8. I also have a 100mm macro lens. I always make sure my battery is fully charged and I have an empty memory card in the camera. If I'm going out for a full day or more, I take extra batteries and cards with me. The temperatures in Norway are very cold, so I always had a spare battery with me in an inside pocket.

Any advice for others trying to capture something similar?

1. Always treat wild animals or birds with respect and consideration. Their well-being is more important than "getting the shot".

2. Be honest with your viewers. If you got that great tiger shot at the zoo, say so.

3. The Audubon Society has published an excellent Guide to Ethical Bird Photography. The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has published similar guidelines for all wildlife photography.

4. In general, photographs where the eyes of the animal or bird are visible are the most compelling ones.

5. Keep it simple, let the background enhance the subject, not detract from it.

6. Be critical of your work. Don't be afraid to 'kill off your darlings' and stick with the one shot that has a wow-factor.

Follow MadeleineLenagh to see more wildlife shots.